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Agama Tirtha ~ The Balinese Water Religion

Jen Isabel Friend

Deep bows of gratitude to those I had the honor of learning with in Bali. Especially to the waterfalls of Munduk, who probably taught me more than any other water I've ever encountered. If you'd like to learn more about Agama Tirtha, I invite you to learn directly from the beautiful Balinese people directly, who are so generous with their teachings. Especially the High Water Priestess,

If these practices have touched you and you'd like to reflect that blessing back to Bali, there are lots of ways to support them. Unfortunately, despite their reverence for water, many Balinese people still don't have consistent access to fresh clean potable water. That's why I love the work of and invite you to donate to their mission of giving high quality long lasting filters in rural areas. Helping out with their deliveries were some of my favorite memories of my time on the island.

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